
  • Students must take six labs per semester as part of the ITP certificate requirements.
  • The majority of these should be ITP skills labs, but you are welcome to use other tech workshops offered by the GC Digital Fellows, the Teaching & Learning Center (TLC), or the GC Library to fill this requirement. A comprehensive listing of digital workshops on offer this fall at the GC will go out shortly.
  • The GC Events and Workshops calendar on the Commons lists tech workshops being offered by programs throughout the GC. The calendar is updated regularly during the semester.

Fall 2017 ITP Skills Labs
GC Library basement, room C196.01
Click here to save your seat for the following sessions:

HTML & CSS Basics | September 11 | Filipa Calado
Ever wanted to learn how to code? This introductory lab will cover the basics of writing HTML code and styling it with CSS. Gain hands-on experience to send you on your way to building sites. No prior HTML/CSS experience needed.

Planning and Completing a Project | September 18 | Kimon Keramidas & Michael Mandiberg
This professional development workshop will focus on learning how to acquire skills and plan that out. Through interactive exercises, participants will gain an understanding of how to determine vectors for acquiring skills sets (what related digital workshops will be needed to achieve a development objective) and then select and commit to attending at least 5 labs on offer at the GC during the semester. This lab is required of all students enrolled in ITP Core 1 in Fall 2017.

WordPress Theming with PHP and CSS | September 25 | Jeffery Suttles
This workshop will combine the HTML/CSS coding with WordPress to discuss how to customize sites by creating child themes, basic PHP, and using FTP to access a remote server. We’ll also look at installing and configuring modules for common academic use cases. A beginner’s knowledge of how to set up and modify basic features of WordPress will be helpful for participants.

Wikipedia | October 2 | Lauren Kehoe
This lab is an introduction to Wikipedia, both as a cultural phenomenon and site of intellectual, political and pedagogical intervention. We will analyze the anatomy of a page, discuss the guiding principles for this knowledge community, and learn some basic editing. No technical knowledge is necessary, though a familiarity with HTML is useful.

Intro to Open Educational Resources: incorporating OER into your pedagogy | October 16 | TBD
Join us for a hands-on introduction to open educational resources, free and open source research and pedagogy tools. This workshop will cover the fundamentals of OER: from definitions, it’s positioning in higher education, to strategies for finding, evaluating, and incorporating existing OER into your teaching, and creating your own OER.

Multi Modal Pedagogy | October 23 | Robert Robinson
Whether you’re a new or experienced hybrid/ online instructor, join us to explore the in’s and out’s of online teaching.

Games Based Learning | October 30 | Teresa Ober
Want to liven up your teaching by integrating games and game design? Participants in this lab will demo some applications of game-based learning using a variety of tools. Expect to walk away with preliminary ideas for a class assignment or a lesson plan incorporating games or game design.

“Low Level Superpowers” (regex, terminal, grep, diff) | November 6 | Jonathan Pickens
This lab is an introduction to command line and basic regular expressions. Come learn a useful set of “low level superpower” skills that will allow you to do things more efficiently and accurately. This includes: navigating folders, listing, moving and deleting batches of files, basic regex, and using an online diff tool for comparing texts or lists. No previous experience needed.

Data Visualization | November 13 | Micki Kaufman
This lab will introduce participants to basic concepts and tools in data visualization for the humanities and social sciences. Beginning with a definition of data visualization and information design, we will explore key examples including basic line graphs and complex interactive visualizations. We will lean how to use word clouds, Google Ngrams, the Google Public Data Explorer, and map a social network with Gephi. We will emphasize learning the very basics of each of these platforms so that participants can continue to learn and explore on their own after the lab.